This is the difference between inpatient and outpatient care for addiction

Difference between inpatient and outpatient treatment

The first step towards recovery is deciding to seek help, so props to you for being here. We understand the traumas of a first responder, as many of our clinicians and team have been in your shoes.

Now, as you look further into our wellness programs, you will hit the point of having to decide on inpatient or outpatient care for addiction.

While we typically recommend inpatient care to strengthen the success of sobriety for our clients, we understand that not everyone can fully remove themselves from work, family, or school.

While both programs equally focus on recovery and rehabilitation, each has its unique attributes and benefits depending on your substance use disorder’s severity and your specific goals.

The first responder suffering from substance abuse disorder and their loved ones must understand the benefits and differences of each program before selecting one.   

Inpatient/Residential care

Inpatient treatment allows clients to live on-site during their care. This provides a safe space that aligns with recovery and healing without distraction. This can be an environment that helps people avoid influences and temptations that may normally trigger substance use in their daily lives. 

Being immersed in a community of peers on a similar journey can help first responders benefit from the support of other law enforcement officers, firefighters, paramedics, and EMTs. 

The benefits of inpatient care include: 

  • Residential facilities with 24-hour care to help clients who are going through detoxification, addressing mental health concerns, or developing skills for long-term recovery.
  • Structured treatment, tailored to the individual, can include individual and group therapy, mental health care, trauma services, relapse prevention, mindfulness, and meditation.
  • Safe, stable housing and medical attention can help address any problems or concerns.
  • Distraction-free environments can allow patients to step back from the stresses of everyday lives or their professional lives and focus on healing.

Outpatient care

Our outpatient care programs offer treatment for alcohol and substance abuse and co-occurring disorders, while clients can continue living at home.

This option allows individuals to have high-quality care with more flexibility to continue responsibilities at home or work. During outpatient treatment, people can attend meetings and receive therapy on-site while simultaneously applying coping skills to their daily life. 

The benefits of outpatient care are: 

  • Regular schedule of treatments, therapy, meetings, and activities
  • Relapse prevention education
  • Mental health care
  • Life skills development
  • Trauma treatment
  • 12-step meetings

Consider the facts

It’s important to consider that inpatient treatment requires a larger commitment and the ability to take time off from work and your home life. However, outpatient care typically costs less than inpatient care, but this less intensive level of treatment may not be the best choice if you have difficulty committing or require treatment for multiple disorders. 

Determining the appropriate level of care based on your specific needs is essential for recovery. The demands of being a first responder can cause many professionals to feel worn down while suffering from post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and other mental health concerns. We are here to ensure that you receive the best possible care by tailoring treatment plans to your unique needs and goals.

About First Responder Wellness

At First Responder Wellness, we guide those ready to take the path to recovery and wellbeing. We offer various programs within a community of others who know what it is like to be in the front lines. For more information on how we can assist you, call 888-443-4898. 

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